¿Cómo se llama tu hermano(a)? Learning the family members is important to practice with the post of the verb "llamarse". Try practicing with a partner or friend, giving and asking for family names.
Familia directa
- Padre > father (formal)
- Papá > dad / papi > daddy (informal)
- Madre > mother (formal)
- Mamá > mom, mum / mami > mommy, mummy (informal)
- Abuela > grandmother
- Abuelo > grandfather
- Abuelos > grandparents
- Hijo > son
- Hija > daughter
- Hijos > children
- Nieta > granddaughter
- Nieto > grandson
- Nietos > grandchildren
- Esposo / marido > husband
- Esposa / mujer > wife
- Padres > parents
- Hermana > sister
- Hermano > brother
- Tía > aunt
- Tío > uncle
- Primo/a > cousin
- Sobrina > niece
- Sobrino > nephew
Familia Política
- Suegro > father-in-law
- Suegra > mother-in-law
- Cuñado > brother-in-law
- Cuñada > sister-in-law
- Nuera > daughter-in-law
- Yerno > son-in-law
Familia Adquirida
- Madrastra > stepmother
- Padrastro > stepfather
- Hermanastro > stepbrother
- Hermanastra > stepsister
- Hijastro > stepson
- Hijastra > stepdaughter
- Medio hermano > half-brother
- Medio hermana > half-sister
Vocabulario Adicional
- Bisabuela > great-grandmother
- Bisabuelo > great-grandfather
- Madrina > godmother
- Padrino > godfather
- Amigo > male friend
- Amiga > female friend
- Novio > boyfriend
- Novia > girlfriend
- Prometido > fiance
- Prometida > fiancée
- Descendientes > descendants
- Antepasados > ancestors
- Adoptado > Adopted