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To tell the time in Spanish we use the verb "ser". Except for "1:__" that you must use "es" you must use "son" for all hours, since they are in the plural. Omitting the verb is very common to answer the question ¿Qué hora es?. You can use the articles "la" or "las" if you want or skip them. E.g. (es) la una y media or una y media. (It is unright to say "es una y media", if you use the verb you must use the articles "la" or "las").
Normally we divide the clock into two parts, if the minutes are between 1 to 30; we say the current time and use the conjunction "y" + the minutes to say how many minutes pass the hour. If the minutes are between 31 to 59, we say the hour that follows and use the word "menos" plus the minutes remaining for that hour. Look at the examples below.
This is the most popular way to tell time, however there are other ways to tell it. You can say "las cuatro y / con cuarenticinco" (4:45), or "quince para las cinco".
Events Time
To ask for the time an event will take place; we ask ¿A qué hora...? > (At) What time...? To answer or express the time of when the event will take place, we start with the preposition “a”. Look at the examples and practice with someone.
¿A qué hora es el desayuno? > What time is breakfast?
¿A qué hora comienza la película? > What time does the movie start?
¿A qué hora sale el sol? > What time does the sun rise?
¿A qué hora regresas a tu casa? > What time do you return home?
¿A qué hora...? vs. ¿Cuándo?
Use ¿A qué hora ...? to ask about the time of an event.
Use ¿Cuándo? to ask for the day, date or month of the event.
¿Cuándo y a qué hora es la reunión? > When and what time is the meeting?
La reunión es el próximo viernes a las 3:30 p. m. > The meeting is next Friday at 3:30 p.m.